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ILog file name : <%1> EAREA: Missing in message area definition EAREA: Incorrect message/base type in message area definition EAREA[DEF]: Unsupported message base type EAREA[DEF]: Unsupported message type EMissing AREADEF keyword EAREA[DEF]: Missing EOS/2 reports error #%1. ILocking base <%1> EUnknown keyword (%1) EMissing reference string enclosed in and operators not allowed in an Exclude line. WError #%1 writing a message in base <%2> WFunction not implemented (%1) EUnknown action (%1) EThe destination base must be specified. EUnknown destination base (%1) for CopyTo/MoveTo. ECan not open/lock the message base (%1). EInvalid message base specification (%1). EInvalid use of the character (%1). IReading filter (%1), file <%2>, line # EKeyword already defined for this filter (%1). EThe specified base is unknown (%1). EToo many ReplyWith (%1). ENo message base to scan ! ENo filter trigger defined ! IFilter , area I%1 message(s) read. IClosing message base (%1) ECan not read message #%1 (Error #%2) WRecursion suppressed : base (%1) was both source and destination. EInvalid numeric value (%1). IFilter 's content : I.Message areas to scan: I.Triggers: I.Action: I.No answer file defined I.Answer is in file <%1> I.Answer will be posted in source area I.Answer will be posted in area I.Answer message attributes: (%1) field of answer not defined field of answer : I.Options : (%1) IEnd of filter IUnknown@%1 I .Parameter : I Processing message area I.Filter IThe following error file is contained in the SOUP packet: IDate format : ITime format : ICountry code : ICode page : IMessage area definition {%1} I unknown base format, Iunknown message type I Initialization string : IEnd of SOUP error file ------------------------------------ I Identifier : I Description : I Origin line : I Default attributes : I Alias (aka) : I No alias (aka) defined. IEt voil WThe option is meaningless without option IRun WRun error #%1 I .None I .Private flag cleared IReading file Squish.Cfg EToo short file area definition. IAccessing Lora's SysFile.Dat file WFile base <%1> already defined IFile base definition {%1} I Identifier : %1 I Files list : %1 I Files directory : %1 IPreparing AllFix requests handling WCan not open file base <%1> WCan not create AllFix answer file (%1). Error #%2 IHandling an AllFix request IYour request : I I%1 MB I%1 KB I%1 B EKeyword EndTxt unfound. EKeyword already defined. W<%1> file base already defined. ation de la liste des fichiers connus. EError #%1 creating file <%2> EKeyword Header already defined. EKeyword Footer already defined. EKeyword Action already defined. ENo action defined! EKeyword Select already defined. EUnknown selection : <%1> EUnknown keyword in filter definition : <%1> EKeyword EndFilter missing. EKeyword Select missing in filter definition. EMissing parameter after the Action keyword. IFile filter I.File bases to scan : I.A global header is defined. I.No global header defined. I.A global footer is defined. I.No global footer defined. Iall files Inew files Isome files IAnnounce IList IDo something I.%2 %1 into %3. I.Message's field not defined. I.Message's field : <%1> I.Message's Subject field not defined. I.Message's Subject field : <%1> WUnnamed filter IProcessing file filter <%1> EUnknown action. INew files announce. EError writing new files announcement message. ITerminating processing of the file filter <%1> IProcessing base area IFree memory after initializations : %1 I.%1 new file(s), %2 total. ICreating AreasWrittenTo file EUnknown command-line option : IParsing command-line. ISee the file SqTool.Prn on how to use SqTool. IInitializing lastread pointers... IFileName(%1) IDescript(%1) I???(%1) AfxMoreToCome keyword already defined. IOpening file base ECommand-line options should start with "-" or "/". EUnknown action option : field : %1 IReading known files list... IReading configuration file (%1) IFile filters : %1 files of which %2 are/is new. IEnvironment variables : IThis is a private test/debug version. Please do not distribute. I%1 known files before running filters. E(NewCnt [%1] + PrevCnt [%2]) > TotCnt [%3] QuotePct|LineCount|Flags can't be used together with field specifier(s). EIncorrect numeric value (%1) IReading SOUP files WError #%2 opening file WSOUP encoding not supported (%1) for group IReading SOUP file (%2) EMissing rnews header. I Importing SOUP file I%1 SOUP message(s) imported. I Exporting SOUP area EError #%1 writing SOUP file IExporting SOUP messages WUnknown SOUP area : I%1 SOUP message(s) exported. IMsg filters: %1 message(s) deleted IMsg filters: %1 message(s) moved IMsg filters: %1 message(s) copied IMsg filters: %1 message(s) forwarded IMsg filters: %1 external program(s) executed IMsg filters: %1 filefind request(s) processed IMsg filters: %1 answer(s), %2 of them to filefind requests E<, line # EToo many filenames (%1) EDon't know in which message area to post. IContent of Autopost I.File posted in message area I.File to post : EThe name of the file to post has not been defined. I.Attributes of the message : field of the message : field of the message : Origin field of the message : field of the message : IEnd of Autopost Subject field of the message : IExecuting Autoposts I AllFix request :